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 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1399 A.H.
February 10, 1979

12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1399 A.H.

A commemorative postage stamp on Muhammad’s Birth Anniversary :

Quran and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi : The Prophet's MosqueIssued by Pakistan

Issued on Feb 10, 1979

Issued for : To mark the day the Pakistan Post Office has brought out a postage stamp which in its design pays homage to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and suggests that the light flowing from the HOLY QURAN could illuminate the darkest corner of the world. May this light ever shine in Pakistan and the entire Muslim world; Ameen.

Description : The main features of the stamp are the HOLY QURAN and RAUDHA-E-MUBARAK.

On the top the HOLY “QURAN” is shown as a source of light which has wiped out darkness from this world. The Urdu translation of a verse from the Holy Quran i.e.  appears above the globe in black. The Holy Prophet‘s Mausoleum and the Masjid-e-Nabvi appears in the lower portion of the stamp. The Lunar HIJRI date i.e.  appears in reverse against blue background in vertical position.

Designer : Mr. Adil Salahuddin

Type : Stamp, Postal Used

Denomination : 20 Paisa

Colours : Yellow, Blue, Red and Black

Size of the stamp : 50.80 x 35.20 m.m.

Print Size : 47.80 x 32.20 m.m.

Perforation Gauge : 13 x 13c

Quantity : 1000,000 (one million)

Stamps in one sheet : Fifty

Process of Printing : Litho Offset

Printers : Pakistan Security Printing Corporation

About : 

  • The twelfth of Rabi-ul-Awwal – which this year falls on the 10th of February 1979 – is a day of rejoicing not only for Muslims but for all men. For on this day was born a man who gave to those who believed in him a revolutionary religion but who also spread-forth ideas, thoughts and values which had a universal appeal. No one has ever influenced the ideas of mankind as profoundly as he did – or ever will. This man was Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who forty years after his birth proclaimed a divine message which promised immense spiritual and moral upliftment to mankind without asking it to sacrifice its essential human nature. This was the message of Islam, the message of peace – peace within the inner self, born out of spiritual and moral satisfaction and peace without, through fairness and social justice leading to a society based on relationships distinguished by love, consideration, tolerance, dignity of the individual and equality among men.
  • The teachings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) are enshrined in the HOLY QURAN, the compilation of the exact text as revealed to him through divine revelation. It is the book which guides Muslims to attain spiritual salvation, acquire moral stature as well as tells them how to order their life in mundane affairs. All that is enjoined by the HOLY QURAN is perfectly exemplified in the life of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and his close associates. Thus a Muslim has for his guidance not only the teaching of the Quran but the example of the life of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and his close associates to order his life accordingly.
  • Islam is not merely a faith but also an ideology which offers a frame-work for meeting the social, economic and political needs of mankind. It was this ideology which was at the root of the demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims of Indo-Pakistan sub-continent. This home-land, Pakistan, came into being more than thirty-one years ago. During this period considerable lip-service continued to be paid to this ideology but little was done to put it into practice. The 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal which Muslims in Pakistan will celebrate as the birthday of the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) is a fit occasion for making a beginning towards moulding their polity, their society and their economy so as to truly follow the tenets of Islam. This day is thus of great significance to Pakistan and its people.
  • This is, however, a day which is revered in many countries separated by geographical and linguistic barriers but which are linked with each other in the universal brotherhood of Islam.
  • Issued by: The Director General, Pakistan Post Office, Karachi.
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