India on Post Office 2008
A Souvenir Sheet consisting of 1 no. of commemorative postage stamp on the Philately Day 2008 : Rabindranath Tagore‘s ‘Dakghar‘ :
Issued by India
Issued on Oct 13, 2008
Issued for : Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on “Post Office”.
Credits :
Stamp & FDC : S. Samanta
Cancellation : Alka Sharma
Type : Miniature Sheet, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi colour
Denomination : 500p (stamp) & 1500p (Miniature Sheet)
Stamps Printed : 0.8 Million
Miniature sheet : 0.2 Million
Printing Process : Wet–offset
Printer : Security Printing Press, Hyderabad
About :
- Today we are so used to electronic aids like telephones, mobiles, e-mail, that we have taken these inventions for granted. For these inventive geniuses thousands of devoted workers who carried out with the spirit of adventure and built this present day structures and institutions. Today these institutions belong to us to be cherished and to be taken forward. The Post Office is one such institution. Post Office is one of those public organizations which is more intimately bound up with human relations than other governmental departments. It deals with messages, helps to connect people, makes communication between human beings through the letter.
- When we come to think of it, what an aroma of romance surrounds the letter! With what eager expectations one awaits the coming of a letter! How many of us have not felt like a little boy in Rabindra Nath Tagore’s Play, “The Post Office; Dak Ghar” who anxiously awaits the letter from the King to be delivered to him through a newly opened post office or Dak Ghar in the village.
- The Post Office is universally recognized as a facilitator of communication. The postal runner defied all odds – natural calamities, wild beasts, geographical terrain and bandits in the discharge of his duties. As aptly described by the Watchman to the little boy in the Play Dak Ghar,
- “Ha! Ha! Postman, indeed! Rain or shine, rich or poor, from house to house delivering letters that’s very great work”.
- Today Post Office not only delivers letters but retail diverse range of services through its vast network. Its capacity to handle financial transactions and its knowledge about the local environment provides efficient and cost effective means of catering the various services to the public. India Post today represents both tradition as well as modernity. Post Office has become a mark of continuity and change.
- Through his Play “Post Office” Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore portrayed Post Office as symbol of goodwill, good wishes and King’s love for the common people.
[…] serialized in the ‘prabasi’ and the original Bengali poems of ‘Gitanjali’ and the play ‘Dakghar’ were published the same […]