Children’s Drawings of Jerusalem
Complete set of 3 nos. of postage stamps on the Children Paint Jerusalem :
Issued by Israel
Issued on 13 Nov, 1979
Type : Stamps, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi colour
Denomination : 1.80, 4 & 5 Pound
About :
- The organization of an international competition of children’s drawings about Jerusalem was part of the celebrations on the occasion of the first decade since the reunification of Jerusalem. The competition, a joint venture of the Government Information Centre, the Municipality of Jerusalem, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Industry, Trade and Tourism, the Israel Museum, El Al and Bank Le’umi Le’Israel, attracted over 100,000 drawings from 40 countries. The best 450 of them were selected for exhibition at the Youth Wing of the Israel Museum. The exhibits were then sub-divided into three touring exhibitions for presentation throughout the world. Some 100 drawings were chosen for inclusion in a special book published in ten languages.
- The pictures are really interesting, reflecting at the same time, both the children’s world and that of the adults. On the one hand, the child sees Jerusalem in his imagination in the pattern shaped in his country, while on the other hand, his work is influenced by explanations he has received from his elders on the nature of Jerusalem. The children’s compositions reflect the position Jerusalem holds in the consciousness of the world. It seems that even today a profound interest is inherent in the adult world for heavenly Jerusalem, the source of the three monotheistic religions, as well as for earthly Jerusalem. Bearing in mind that the Holy City has been pictured in a variety of styles for more than seventeen centuries, we shouldn’t be surprised at seeing some of them reflected in the children’s paintings. Two of the stamps were designed by Israeli children. One of them, painted by a boy of eleven and a half shows worshippers in front of the Western Wall. In its simplicity of form and strength of expression, this may be considered a strong picture. The second stamp deals with the vision of the end of the days and the subject of peace, which has absorbed the interest of Israeli children in particular. It depicts Jerusalem amidst rose-coloured clouds, and in the foreground a Jew and an Arab embracing each other. This picture is the work of a thirteen year old girl. The third stamp portrays Jewish, Christian and Moslem citizens of Jerusalem, representing the three main religions.
- The childlike charm and innocence, originality and expressiveness of these drawings give great pleasure to the spectator as he studies the manner in which they reflect the many facets of Jerusalem.
- A. G.