Nepal on International Labour Organization
A commemorative postage stamp on the 50th Anniversary of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), a United Nations agency :
Issued by Nepal
Issued on 19th Baishak, 2026 Corresponding to 1st May 1969
Designer : K. Karmacharya
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 1.00 Rupee
Colour : Gravure Crimson and Dark Brown
Size : 4.06 x 2.28 Cms
Paper : Unwatermarked Adhesive Stamp Paper
Quantity : 200,000
Sheet : 50
Printing process : Photogravure
Printer : India Security Press, Nasik Road
About :
- The International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.) has now been in existence for 50 years. During the last half century it has served as an international forum for the discussion of labour problems, and as an institution for the formulation of international standards of labour legislation. It has also become the recognised agency for co-ordinating the views and interests of governments, employers’ associations and labour unions.