Pakistan Armed Forces Day 1966
A commemorative postage stamp on the Armed Forces Day :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Feb 13, 1966
Issued for : To commemorate the Armed Forces Day, the Pakistan Post Office is issuing a postage stamp of 15 Paisa denomination on the 13th of February, 1966.
Design : Crests of Army, Navy and Air Force have been shown in circles against yellow background. Colours of respective services i.e. green for Army, blue for Navy and Grey for Air Force have been shown in the circles. The words ‘ARMED FORCES DAY’ and ‘February, 1966’ have been shown on top. Word ‘PAKISTAN’ in English, Urdu and Bengali at the bottom in reverse, in Dark Blue panel. The denomination i.e. ’15 Paisa’ and word ‘Postage’ have been shown on the left and right hand side respectively above the panel.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 15 Paisa
Colour : Pakistan Green, Navy Blue, Air Force Grey, Yellow Ochre
Size of Stamp : 48 x 30.5 mm.
Size of Print : 45 mm x 27.5 mm.
Perforation Gauge : 13 x 13½ (C)
Quantity Printed : 15,00,000
Number of Stamps in each sheet : 50
Process of Printing : Litho Offset (4 colour)
Printers : The Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Ltd., Karachi
About :
- The Armed Forces Day is celebrated every year to bring together the Armed Forces and the people of Pakistan. On this day the Armed Forces have an open house so that the people may come and see much of their equipment and machinery which is not open to the public view.
- Every year on this day, Nation rejoices in our hard won freedom and is reminded of our soldiers, sailors and airmen for their sacrifices, achievements, loyalty and patriotism.
- The Armed Forces of Pakistan consist of traditional soldiers who take pride in their profession. Majority of the service personnel represents the fourth or fifth generation in the service. They have inherited the basic qualities that go into the making of a good soldier, sailor or airman. They have attracted world attention for their extraordinary performances.
- Our Armed Forces are a guarantee of our country’s independence and by their strength, discipline and fitness are ever ready to safeguard the frontiers of our homeland.
- With the compliments of The Director General, Pakistan Post Office, Karachi.