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 Rajya Sabha 1977
June 21, 1977

Rajya Sabha 1977

A commemorative postage stamp on the 25th Anniversary of the Rajya Sabhaupper house of Parliament of India :

Rajya Sabha ChamberIssued by India

Issued on Jun 21, 1977

Issued for : The Posts and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative postage stamp to mark the 25 years of life and incidentally the 101st Session of this House of the Indian Parliament.

Description of Design : The design of the stamp shows a view of the Chamber of the Rajya Sabha in the Parliament House.

Type : Stamp, Postal Used

Colour : Multi Colour

Denomination : 25 Paise

Overall size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms.

Printing size : 3.43 X 2.54 cms.

Perforation : 13 x 13

Watermark : Unwatermarked paper

Number printed : 30,00,000

Number per issue sheet : 35

Printing Process : Photogravure

Designed and printed at : India Security Press

About : 

  • Parliament of India consists of two Houses, namely, the Council of States and the House of the People.
  • After the first General Elections held in 1952, the Council of States, better known as Rajya Sabha, was constituted on April 3,1952 and met under the Chairmanship of Vice-President Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan for its first Session on May 13, 1952. Rajya Sabha has completed 25 years of its life and the issue of this commemorative stamp is part of the celebrations to mark the occasion.
  • The total number of members of the Rajya Sabha which on its initial constitution was 216, is at present 244-226 representatives from the States which are constituent units of the Indian Union, 6 from the Union Territories and 12 nominated members. The Rajya Sabha, unlike the Lok Sabha, is not subject to dissolution but one-third of its members retire on the expiration of every second year. The continuity of the Rajya Sabha acquires a special significance when the Lok Sabha stands dissolved. It is then that the Rajya Sabha discharges the obligations of Parliament to look after the nation’s interests.
  • During the 25 years of its life, Rajya Sabha has done valuable work in the Legislative as well as other fields of Parliamentary activity and has more than fulfilled the expectations of the framers of our Constitution. The Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha together represent the majesty and sovereignty of the Indian people.
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[…] in the Congress Party Organisation in joint Punjab and Haryana. He was Chairman of House Committee, Rajya Sabha from 1974 to 1976 and Deputy Leader of Congress Parliamentary party in Rajya Sabha when Smt. Indira […]


[…] next phase in the history of the Indian democracy started when the first Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha met for the first time in the respective chambers to take up the agenda of the day. It was a moment […]

July 7, 2023 4:58 pm

[…] time he served as the Whip of the Congress Party in Bihar Assembly. He was elected a Member of the Rajya Sabha in […]

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[…] Politics and Economics, a position he held for the next 36 years. In 1966 he was nominated to the Rajya Sabha, and from 1967-71, he served as the Deputy Chairman of the Planning […]

July 8, 2023 6:52 pm

[…] for his outstanding services to nation building through art and culture. He was elected to the Rajya Sabha in 1964. S.S. Vasan passed away on August 26, […]


[…] of the World Wildlife Fund, India’s National Award for Conservation (1983), nomination to the Rajya Sabha (1986) and the J. Paul Getty International Prize for Wild Life Conservation (1976) by the WWF, an […]

July 8, 2023 9:18 pm

[…] the Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest civilian award, in 2008. He took oath as a member of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house in India’s Parliament, in June […]

July 9, 2023 1:15 am

[…] Hardikar was elected twice for the Rajya Sabha from 1952 to 1962. Hardikar was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1958. His dress was typical of a Seva […]

July 9, 2023 1:33 am

[…] Assembly. In 1949 he was sent as Ambassador to Indonesia. On his return in 1954, he became a Rajya Sabha Member and was elected as a Member of the Privileges Committee. In 1957, he was elected to the Lok […]


[…] is the parent body of the Jadavpur University. He was later elected as a member of the ‘Rajya Sabha‘. In 1969 he was made Union Minister for Petroleum, and Chemicals & Minerals. During his […]

July 9, 2023 7:36 pm

[…] to unbiased and truthful reporting of facts and issues as they were. He was also a Member of the Rajya Sabha from 1964 to […]

July 18, 2023 8:18 am

[…] and again for second time in December 1966. He had the honour of being the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha from December 1961 to April 1972. Rajabhau was a member of the Rajya Sabha for […]

October 22, 2023 2:13 pm

[…] Menuhin, and Beatles guitarist, George Harrison. Ravi Shankar served as a nominated Member of Rajya Sabha from 1986-1992. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1999. This exponent of sitar continued to […]

October 22, 2023 4:52 pm

[…] agro-processing units at a time when people were even unaware of it. He was also elected to the Rajya Sabha in the year 1972 and later represented Bulandshahar in Lok […]


[…] is to conduct elections to the offices of President of India, Vice-President, the Upper House (Rajya Sabha) and the Lower House (Lok Sabha) of Parliament and to both Upper and Lower Houses of the State […]

November 13, 2023 2:27 pm

[…] of the American Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters. He was nominated a Member of the Rajya Sabha in 1989. The Universities of Mysore, Delhi and Leeds conferred honorary doctorates on him. He was […]

November 16, 2023 5:35 pm

[…] Alva was elected to Lok Sabha in the General Elections of 1952, and Violet Alva was elected to the Rajya Sabha both from the Bombay […]

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[…] of Opposition’ of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, after independence. He was a member of Rajya Sabha from 1966 to 1972 and again from 1974 to 1976. He was the Minister of Health in the Central Cabinet […]


[…] as Leader of the D.M.K. Legislature Party had a great impact. In 1962, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha where he made his mark by his brilliant speeches. In February 1967, he was elected to the Lok […]


[…] 1942 was another milestone which saw his marriage to Teji, from a reputed Sikh family, followed thereafter by the birth of their two sons, Amitabh and Ajitabh. In 1954 he went to England where he completed his doctoral studies, with a thesis on “W.B. Yeats and Occultism” giving him a Ph.D. On returning to India he joined the All India Radio as a Hindi producer. Soon thereafter, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru called him to Delhi to appoint him as an expert in Hindi in the Ministry of External Affairs. A decade later, the President of India nominated him as a member to the Rajya Sabha. […]

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