Red Machchhindranath Festival
A commemorative postage stamp on the Red Machhindra Nath Festival (Bunga Dyah Jatra), Lalitpur :
Issued by Nepal
Issued on Apr 27, 1979 (corresponding to 14 Baisakh 2036)
Issued by :
His Majesty’s Government
Postal Services Department
Nepal Philatelic Bureau
Designer : K. Karmacharya
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 75 Paisa
Colour : Red Brown and Red Sienna
Size : 4.06 x 2.28 Cms.
Perforation : 14 x 14½
Paper : Unwatermark adhesive stamp paper
Quantity : 2,000,000
Sheet : 50
Process : Photogravure
Printer : India Security Press, Nasik Road, India
About :
- Lichchhavi King Narendra Dev, who had deep faith in Buddhism, brought Avlokiteswar – Red Machchhindra Nath from Kamroop in the Seventh Century. From the religious and Cultural standpoint Red Machchhindra Nath occupies a prominent place in Nepal and is the guardian deity of Patan. Every year the deity is taken round in a chariot festival in Patan, starting from the first day of the bright half of Baisakh (April-May). Every twelfth year, the festival is observed with special pomp and splendour.