Telecommunication Training Centre, Jabalpur 1992
A commemorative postage stamp on the 50th Anniversary of the Bharat Ratna Bhim Rao Ambedkar Institute of Telecom Training (BRBRAITT) :
Issued by India
Issued on May 30, 1992
Description of Designs : The Stamp has been designed by India Security Press, Nashik, the First Day Cover by Sankh Samant and the cancellation by Alka Sharma. The material for designing has been provided by Telecommunication Training Centre, Jabalpur.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Colour : Single Colour
Denomination : 100 Paise
Overall size : 3.91 x 2.90 cms.
Printing size : 3.55 x 2.54 cms.
Perforation : 13 x 13
Paper : Indigenous Un W/M Gravure Coated Gummed Stamp Paper
Number Printed : 1,000,000
Number per issue sheet : 35
Printing Process : Photogravure
Printed : India Security Press
About :
- The Telecommunication Training Centre was established at Jabalpur on 22nd April, 1942. It had its origin in Calcutta in 1920 and was shifted to Jabalpur during World War II.
- Initially training was given to Engineering Supervisors, Repeater Station Assistants and Wireless Operators of the Department in Magneto Telephony, Manual Telephony, Strowger System, Open Wireless Carrier System and Wireless. Later with the increasing demand for training of the personnel due to the growing network, other cadres were also included for training.
- Telecommunication technology is one of the fastest changing technologies in the world and increasing modernisation and sophistication is taking place in this field, continuously. Hence, training and retraining in the field of telecommunications has become highly important to ensure that the technical staff are made fully conversant and adequately skilled to handle the various types of equipment being introduced into the telecom network. Keeping this in view, the Centre continuously updates its laboratories and the faculties and provides training of two types – induction and service.
- The Centre functions in the present campus sprawling over 35 acres in which is located the main academic block with 24 well equipped class rooms, 75 laboratories equipped with modern facilities like Electronic Switching, Digital Microwave, Optical Fibre, Computer Technology, Store and Forward Telegraphy System, Desk Top Publishing equipment, computerised library, Audio Visual Teaching Aids Laboratory, Administrative offices, four well equipped hostels for 800 trainees and 200 residential quarters for the faculty members and staff.
- The Training Centre has achieved many milestones of progress in a period of five decades. Starting with 70 trainees in 1942-43 during its year of inception, it has, in its Golden Jubilee Year (1991-92), to its credit more than 2900 trainees and 16,500 trainee weeks which is an all-time record. In its quest for providing training in the latest technology, the Training Centre this year introduced a record number of twenty-two new training modules and organised national and international seminars. The Training Centre not only caters to the training needs of the Department of Telecommunications but also entertains the requests of the other Departments in India and abroad.
- Text : Courtesy Telecommunication Training Centre, Jabalpur.