Nepal on Third SAARC Summit, Kathmandu
A commemorative postage stamp on the 3rd SAARC (Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Summit Conference, Kathmandu :
Issued by Nepal
Issued on Nov 2, 1987
Issued for : Present postage stamp brought out on the occasion of the Third SAARC Summit depicts the logo of the SAARC.
Issued by :
His Majesty’s Government
Postal Services Department
Nepal Philatelic Bureau
Designer : M. N. Rana
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 60 Paisa
Colour : 2 Colours
Size : 30 mm x 40 mm
Format : Vertical
Paper : Special Stamp paper
Quantity : 5,000,000 (Five millions)
Sheet : 50 Stamps
Process : Offset
Printer : Austrian State Printing, Vienna, Austria
About :
- The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), comprises seven countries of South Asia – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SAARC is a manifestation of the determination to cooperate regionally in a spirit of friendship, trust and understanding towards the creation of an order based on mutual respect, equity and shared benefits.
- The Third SAARC Summit symbolizes reaffirmation of the commitment of the peoples and Governments of the member countries to the objectives and ideals of the Charter.