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 King Mahendra’s 44th Birthday

King Mahendra’s 44th Birthday

Complete Set of 3 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the 44th Birth Day of King Mahendra :

His Majesty King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah DevaKingdom of Nepalमहेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहIssued by Nepal

Issued on Jun 11, 1963

Issued for : Issued to mark the 44th birthday of His Majesty King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva.

Design : In the stamp inside, we see His Majesty King Mahendra in his military summer dress. His Majesty has his crown in his right hand. His left hand is on the sword. He has on the decorations of the Kingdom of Nepal.

Type : Stamps, Mint condition

Denomination : 5, 10 & 15 Paisa

Colours respectively : Violet, Red Brown and Olive Green

Printing : By photogravure process

Name : Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev

Born on Jun 11, 1920 at Narayanhity Royal Palace, Kathmandu, Nepal

Died on Jan 31, 1972 at Dialo Bangala, Bharatpur, Nepal

About : 

  • Born on June 11, 1920, His Majesty King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva is the tenth in the line of succession to the throne of Nepal as consolidated by his august ancestor Prithvi Narain Shah. Though the then system would allow him no more than most restricted facilities. His Majesty has left no stone unturned to qualify himself for tackling any problem connected with the fulfilment of his royal duties and democratic responsibilities. While remaining staunchly devoted to the best in the country’s traditions, he has, by his actions, proved himself capable of social, economic and political reforms that have made fervid democrats and fire-eating revolutionaries gasp in wonder. He is a poet in his own right and practical in his approach to problems. King of an ancient land, he is proud to be a commoner of commoners. The service of his people is the dominating passion of his life.
  • His Majesty King Mahendra is also the Pioneer of the Panchayat philosophy that may very well turn out to be – at least so for as Nepal is concerned – not only the Highest Common Factor of all the political philosophies so far propounded but also the culmination of all of them.
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