India on Freedom from Hunger 1963
A commemorative postage stamp on the Freedom from Hunger campaign by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) :
Issued by India
Issued on Mar 21, 1963
Issued for : The Posts & Telegraphs Department is also issuing a specially designed First Day Cover to be released along with the issue of the new stamp.
Special First Day Cancellations are to be used at Philatelic Bureaux only.
In response to an appeal by the FAO, Government of India have also agreed to donate 100,000 stamps as their contribution to the Campaign funds.
Design : In keeping with the spirit underlying the Campaign the Posts & Telegraphs Department of the Government of India has decided to issue a special postage stamp. While the central theme for the design of the stamp was left to the countries concerned, it was desired by the FAO that a special symbol should be a common feature in the proposed world-wide issue and also that the stamp should be brought out in a popular denomination. Accordingly, the stamp to be brought out by the Posts & Telegraphs Department bears the special symbol provided by the FAO. This has some sheaves of corn above the FAO crest and the words “Freedom-From-Hunger” on top. The design of the stamp seeks to symbolise the aspirations and the struggle for the successful attainment of the objectives behind the Campaign.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Colour : Blue grey
Denomination : 15 nP.
Size : 2.90 x 3.91 cms
Perforation : 13
Watermark : All over multiple “Lion Capital of Asoka”
Number Printed : 2.5 million
Set : 35 stamps per issue sheet
Printing process : Photogravure
Designed and printed : India Security Press, Nasik Road
About :
- Under the auspices of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, a world-wide Freedom–From–Hunger Campaign was launched on the 1st July, 1960 to focus public attention upon the continuing problem of hunger, and to mobilize national and international effort towards its solution. The Campaign is of special interest to India where there is a race between population and food supply. Falling in line with the general plan of the Campaign, as approved by the F.A.O., the Government of India have set up a National Campaign Committee and have also undertaken studies with the object of increasing agricultural production, improving distribution and other related matters to solve the problem of hunger and malnutrition.
- The FAO also sponsored a Freedom-From-Hunger-Stamp-Plan which provided for the simultaneous release on the 21st March, 1963 of special issues of postage stamps by participating countries so as to create the maximum psychological effect and to propagate the idea underlying the general plan of the Campaign.