West Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
A commemorative postage stamp on the First Convocation of the West Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Dec 21, 1964
Issued for : The University is celebrating the First Convocation on the 21st December, 1964 and the Pakistan Post Office is issuing this Stamp to commemorate the occasion.
Design : The stamp shows the front view of the Engineering University and its insignia. The words “W.P. Engineering University Lahore” appear on top white the words “First Convocation December 1964” at the bottom. The denomination 15-Paisa and the words “Pakistan” in Urdu, Bengali and English and “postage” appear towards the right hand side.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 15 Paisa
Colour : Brick Red
Size of Stamp : 41 mm x 26 mm
Size of Print : 37 mm x 22.5 mm
Perforation Gauge : 14 x 12½ (c)
Quantity Printed : 15,00,000
Number of Stamps in each sheet : 50
Process of Printing : Recess
Printers : The Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Ltd., Karachi
About :
- The West Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore came into being as a realisation of the recommendation of the Commission on National Education to establish a Technical University in each Wing of the country. In West Pakistan, because of the initial facilities it offered, the Government College of Engineering and Technology, Lahore which was started in March, 1923 was upgraded to serve as a starting point for the proposed University. The College had been affiliated with the University of the Punjab and was awarding B.Sc. degrees in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Mining Engineering.
- The West Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore on its establishment assumed the functions of holding examinations and awarding degrees. It has also introduced a number of new courses. Bachelor courses in Chemical Engineering and Architecture were started from the session 1962-63 and in Town Planning from the session 1963-64. The enrolment of students is also being increased gradually. By the end of Third Plan period the total students population is estimated to be 2,500 as against 447 in 1960.
- To meet the requirements of the new industries expected to come up during the Third Plan period post-graduate courses leading to M.Sc. degrees in Public Health Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering, Highway Engineering, Geodetic Surveying, Automobile Engineering, Mechanics of Machines, Production Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering (Refining), Glass and Ceramics Engineering and Town Planning will be started. Courses leading to Ph.D. degrees will be started after 1970 when M.Sc. Courses would have been fully established.
- The proposed expansion of courses and increase in students enrolment have necessitated long term development. According to the proposals now under active considerations of the Government the estimated total cost of the project would work out to nearly Rs. 550 lacs to be spent during the Second and Third Plan periods on acquisition of more land adjacent to the existing Campus, construction of new buildings and purchase of equipment for infrastructure and research laboratories. The construction work has already been taken in hand. Residences for 48 teachers are nearing completion and construction of 2 hostels for 500 students is being taken up. This will be followed by construction of new Academic Blocks, Laboratories, Hostels, Student Teacher Centre and Residences for teaching and administrative staff besides Hospital, Market etc.
- The University has sent up-to-date 26 teachers for higher studies and teaching in U.K., Canada and the United States. At the time of establishment of the University in 1961 there was three Ph.D.s on the staff and now the number has increased to ten. It is proposed to send 87 more teachers for getting higher education leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees during the Third Five Year Plan period.
- With the compliments of the Director-General, Pakistan Post Office, Karachi.