Pakistan on Red Cross 1959
A set of 2 commemorative postage stamps on the Centenary of Red Cross Idea :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Nov 19, 1959
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 2 & 10 Annas
Colours : Multi Colour
About :
- The Red Cross gets its name from the flag which is its symbol in Christian Countries. This flag is a red cross on a white back ground. The red cross stands for the Christian ideas of the organisation. The Red Cross flag was adopted in honour of Switzerland. The Swiss Flag is a white cross on a red ground. Jean Henri Dunant a Swiss citizen, was the founder of the Red Cross. First plans of the organisation were drawn in Switzerland. The Red Cross Societies of Moslem Nations use a red crescent on a white black back ground for their flags. Iran has a red lion and sun, which has for many years been the Persian national symbol. Israel uses the Red Mogen David Star of (David) on a white back ground for its flag.
- The Red Cross of the organization is painted on the roof of hospitals, ambulances, and hospital ships. In wars, gunners and bombards are supposed to direct their fires so that buildings, ships, and persons carrying the symbol will not be hit.
- The national Red Cross Societies are linked together in an international organization which has Head Quarter in Geneva, Switzerland.
[…] blood. Some voluntary organisations like the All Pakistan Blood Donor’s Association and the Pakistan Red Cross Society have also regular arrangements for collection and supply of blood for the benefit of the needy […]