Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya
A commemorative postage stamp on Shree Vallabha, an Indian Telugu philosopher, founder of Pushti marg of Vaishnavism in Braj region and philosophy of Shuddhadvaita (pure non-dualism) :
Issued on Apr 14, 1977
Issued for : The Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department feels privileged to issue a commemorative stamp in honour of this great son of India.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Colour : Raw Sienna
Denomination : 100 Paisa
Overall size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms.
Printing size : 3.55 X 2.44 cms.
Perforation : 13 x 13
Watermark : Unwatermarked paper
Number printed : 20,00,000
Number per issue sheet : 35
Printing process : Photogravure
Designed and printed at : India Security Press
Name : Vallabha Acharya
Born on 1479 at Champaran, Chhattisgarh [now Raipur district], India
Died on 1531 at Sarayu river, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
About :
- Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya was born in 1479. A child of prodigious intellect, Vallabhacharya became intensely interested in study of philosophy and religion even at a young age. He propounded the philosophy of ‘Suddh-advaita‘ or pure monism. According to Vallabhacharya one need not renounce the material universe which is Divine in nature to realize God.
- Vallabhacharya wrote several works including ‘Siddhant Rahasya‘, ‘Mukti Varddhini‘ and ‘Sanyas Nirnaya‘. He travelled all over India propagating his teachings among the people and finally settled down in Varanasi. Vallabhacharya took Samadhi in 1531.