Pakistan on Asian Productivity Year 1970
A commemorative postage stamp on the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Aug 18, 1970
Issued for : To commemorate the Asian Productivity Year 1970, Pakistan Post Office is issuing a stamp of 50-Paisa denomination on 18-8-1970.
Design : The format of the stamp is horizontal. The symbol of the Asian Productivity Year, concentric circles with arrow, form the subject of the design. The design implies simply the rise of productivity in the Asian region as indicated by arrow pointing upwards over this part of the globe. The inner circles are pale yellow, the two outer circles are pale green and dark green respectively formed by over lapping blue over yellow. The background and arrow are turquoise blue. The denomination “50” is in yellow and the rest of the wordings i.e. “Asian Productivity Year-1970” the word “Postage” and “Pakistan” in Urdu, Bengali and English appear in reverse.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : 50 Paisa
Colours : Turquoise blue & yellow
Size of stamp : 41 x 26 m.m.
Size of print : 38 x 23 m.m.
Perforation gauge : 12½ x 14 (c)
Quantity printed : 10,00,000
Number of stamps in each sheet : 50
Process of printing : Photogravure
Printers : The Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Ltd., Karachi
About :
- The concept conceived to promote economic welfare productivity is contemporaneous with the beginning of modern industrial society in Western Europe. The concept gained in force with the emergence into independence of the Asian nations after World War II with consequent emphasis on economic development. In order to accelerate the productivity movement in Asia and to derive benefits from the experiences of the countries in the region, the Japan Productivity Centre conceived the idea of establishing an Asian Productivity Organisation. The Asian Productivity Organisation which came into existence in May, 1961 has the following objectives :–
- (a) Promoting the economic development of Asian Countries.
- (b) Raising the living standards of the people.
- (c) Strengthening ties among Asian nations.
- (d) Encouraging cooperative endeavours for mutual benefits.
- (e) Contributing to the national security and the preservation of independence of Asian nations.
- Initially 8 Asian Governments including Pakistan signed the APO Convention in 1961 to establish this organisation. By the end of 1969 the membership stood at 14. The names of the member countries in the alphabetical order are (1) Republic of China (2) Ceylon (3) Hong Kong (4) India (5) Indonesia (6) Iran (7) Japan (8) Korea (South) (9) Nepal (10) Pakistan (11) Philippines (12) Singapore (13) Thailand (14) Vietnam (South).
- As a result of concerted efforts of APO and National Productivity Organisation of the member countries, Productivity Movement has made definite contribution in the growth of national and per capita product. In accelerating the Productivity Movement in the region the APO organised a number of training programme, study missions, symposia etc. during the decade of its existence. All these programmes were aimed at increasing productivity and economic growth in the region. Encouraged by the success and to further emphasise the role of productivity in national economic growth it was decided to observe 1970 as Asian Productivity Year by all its member countries. All the member countries including Pakistan have organised special programmes in the form of training seminars, symposium, essay contest etc. to boost up productivity movement. The principle motto of the year is:–
- (a) Prosperity through Productivity and the theme is:–
- (b) Quality Reliability.
- The APY will culminate with an Asian Productivity Congress from August 18-21, 1970 in Tokyo.