India on Namibia Day
A commemorative postage stamp on Heroes’ Day (Namibia), commemorates the Namibian War of Independence :
Issued on Aug 26, 1975
Issued for : The Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department deem it a privilege to issue a special postage stamp on this occasion.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Colour : Red & Black
Denomination : 25 Paise
Overall Size : 3.34 X 2.46 cms.
Printing Size : 2.99 X 2.10 cms.
Perforation : 13½ x 14
Watermark : Printed on unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Number Printed : 30,00,000
Number per issue sheet : 54
Printing Process : Photogravure
Designed and Printed at : India Security Press
About :
- Namibia is a vast territory rich in diamonds and precious metals. In the last quarter of the 19th century, Germany colonised Namibia and its colonial rule lasted until the end of World War 1 when Namibia was made mandated territory of the League of Nations, as a “sacred trust of civilisation” for administration till such time as the people of Namibia became masters of their own destiny. The Union of South Africa was given the mandate to administer Namibia on behalf of the League of Nations.
- South Africa, instead of honouring its trust, exploited the people of Namibia, practised apart-held and racialism and refused to abide by the directives of the United Nations. This led lo the termination of South Africa‘s mandate over Namibia by the United Nations in 1966. In spite of this, South Africa has persistently refused to vacate Namibia and hand over the government of Namibia to the African people represented by their Liberation Movement, SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organization).
- The Government of South Africa has continuously refused to cooperate with the U.N. Council for Namibia and all the attempts of the General Assembly and the council for Namibia to make South Africa vacate its illegal occupation and hand over power to the people have met with its stubborn opposition. The International Court of Justice also held in June 1971 that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and observed that South Africa was under obligation to withdraw its administration from Namibia immediately and thus put an end to its occupation of the territory.
- This has not induced South Africa to end its illegal control over and exploitation of Namibia. With impunity, it has been taking steps to dismember Namibia by creating the so-called “Bantustans” or “African home-lands”, designed to consolidate its illegal authority over Namibia by promoting inter-tribal rivalries and destroying its national unity and territorial integrity.
- The Government of India, consistent with its stand to uphold the just and righteous cause of the African people for independence and their struggle against colonialism, racialism and apartheid, have strongly advocated in United Nations and elsewhere the immediate independence of Namibia with full respect for its national unity and territorial integrity. The Government of India has been cooperating fully with the Liberation Movement of Namibia in this regard. India is also contributing to the various funds established by the United Nations for assistance to the people of Namibia.
- The Government of India feel privileged to observe 26th August ’75 as Namibia Day in pursuance of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution adopted in the year 1974. It is hoped that very soon the people of Namibia will be free and Namibia will become an independent and sovereign state.