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Pakistan on World Rheumatism Year 1977

Pakistan on World Rheumatism Year

A commemorative postage stamp on the World Year for Rheumatic Disorder : Issued by Pakistan Issued on Dec 19, 1977 Issued for : As part of public campaign to increase

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Pakistan on World Summit for Children 1990

Pakistan on World Summit for

A commemorative postage stamp on the World Summit for Children, held in United Nations Headquarters, New York City, 29-30 September 1990 : Issued by Pakistan

Dashrath Manjhi

Dashrath Manjhi

A commemorative postage stamp on 'Mountain Man' Dasharath Manjhi, manually carved a mountain in order to connect Gehlaur and Gaya [a part of the



A commemorative postage stamp on Mehmood Ali, an Indian Hindi comedian actor, singer, director and producer [a part of the series '100 Years of

First General Elections in Nepal

First General Elections in Nepal

A commemorative postage stamp on the 1959 Nepalese Legislative Election : Issued by Nepal Issued on Feb 18, 1959 Type : Stamp, Postal Used Denomination : 6 Paisa Colour

Pakistan on New UPU Headquarters 1970

Pakistan on New UPU Headquarters

Complete set of 2 nos. of commemorative postage stamp on the opening of new Universal Postal Union building at Berne : Issued by Pakistan Issued on May